Herbs and Spices for Natural Stress Management

Herbs and spices used for natural stress management include lavender, chamomile and basil.


Scientific name: Lavandula officinalis, Lavandula angustifolia

Other names: Common lavender


Lavender has scientifically proven mentally relaxing properties and it is therefore used for stress management.

Safety Precautions

1. Do not use it/Avoid it in pregnancy especially the first 3 months.

2. Do not use it/Avoid it if you are breastfeeding.

3. Do not use it/Avoid it if you have low blood pressure as you may feel drowsy after using it.

Drug Interactions

Do not use/ avoid lavender if you are taking:

1. Sedatives

2. Anti-anxiety medications like diazepam and lorazepam

3. Narcotic analgesics like morphine and oxycodone

herbs as medicine


Scientific names: Roman chamomile: Chamaemelum nobile, German chamomile: Matricaria recutita

Other names: English chamomile


Chamomile is used for stress management since it has mentally relaxing properties and a soothing aroma. It also relieves tension headaches.

Safety Precautions

1. Do not use it /avoid it in pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage.

2. Do not use it /avoid it if you are allergic to it or allergic to daisy or aster family plants like ragweed and chrysanthemums.

3. Do not use it /avoid it if you are driving as it may cause drowsiness.

Drug Interactions

Do not use/avoid chamomile if you are:

1. Taking blood thinners such as warfarin (coumadin), clopidogrel (plavix) or aspirin as it may cause bleeding

2. Taking sedatives

3. Taking high blood pressure medications



Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum

Other names: King of the herbs, tulsi


Basil is used for stress management since it acts a natural tranquilizer by calming the nervous system.  Its powerful antioxidant properties are useful for helping the body cope with stressful situations when a lot of damaging free radicals are produced.

 herbs as medicine

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