Food as Medicine for Diabetes Part 2

Using food as medicine for diabetes treatment is one of the best things you can do for your health since most, if not all, foods recommended for natural diabetes treatment will also improve your general health.

food as medicine for diabetes 2

Foods used as natural medicine for diabetes include:

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is used as natural medicine for diabetes since it has a glycemic index of 55. Foods with a high glycemic index are to be avoided since they can cause rapid fluctuations in the blood levels which are not beneficial for the management of diabetes.

Therefore increase your intake of oatmeal which is also natural medicine for menopause, acne, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and to lose weight naturally.

food as medicine

2. Spinach

Spinach can be used as natural medicine for diabetes because it is estimated to have a very low glycemic index. This means that is has relatively no impact on the blood glucose level. Foods with a high glycemic index are to be avoided because they cause a rapid rise followed by a drop of the blood sugar level after a meal. These fluctuations are not beneficial for the management of diabetes.

Spinach also contains a good amount of fiber which reduces the rate at which the blood sugar level rises and drops after meals. This helps stabilize the blood glucose levels throughout the day. It also reduces the food cravings that are associated with blood sugar drops.

food as medicine

3. Cheese

Cheese can be used as natural medicine for diabetes since it is a good source of protein. Protein rich meals stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the food cravings are associated with blood sugar drops.

Therefore increase your intake of cheese which is also natural medicine for menopause, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure and stress.

food as medicine

4. Soy Beans

Soybeans can be used as natural medicine for diabetes because they are good sources of fiber and protein. These reduce the rate at which the blood sugar level rises and drops after meals. They also help stabilize the blood glucose levels throughout the day. This reduces the food cravings that are associated with blood sugar drops.

Soy beans also help one feel fuller for longer and this reduce snacking between meals.

Therefore increase your intake of soy beans which are used as natural medicine for menopause, acne, arthritis, depression, diabetes, eczema, high blood pressure, stress and to help one lose weight naturally.

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