Food as Medicine for Weight Loss Part 1

Using food as medicine for weight loss is one of the best things you can do for your health since most, if not all, foods recommended for natural weight loss will also improve your general health.

food as medicine for weight loss 1

Foods used as natural medicine for weight loss include:

1. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans are used as natural weight loss because they are rich in water soluble fiber which helps one feel fuller for longer and reduce snacking between meals.

Beans which are rich in protein, also prevent the blood sugar surges and insulin spikes after meals that are associated with food cravings.

In addition, beans are said to increase levels of cholecystokinin which is a natural appetite suppressant.

Therefore increase your intake of kidney beans which are used as natural medicine for diabetes, high blood pressure and to help one lose weight naturally.

food as medicine

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is used as natural medicine for depression since it is a complex carbohydrate. Complex carbohydrates do not cause the blood sugar surges and insulin spikes after meals that are associated with food cravings and eating between meals.

Therefore increase your intake of oatmeal which is also natural medicine for menopause, acne, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and to lose weight naturally.

food as medicine

3. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish can be used as natural medicine for losing weight because they are a good source of protein which helps reduce snacking by making a person feel fuller longer and by preventing the blood sugar surges that are associated with food cravings.

Therefore increase your intake of fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, anchovy, sardines which are also used as natural medicine for acne, arthritis, depression, eczema, high blood pressure, stress and to help one lose weight naturally.

food as medicine

4. Almonds

Almonds can be used as natural medicine for losing weight because snacking on a handful of almonds (150-160 calories) has been shown to result in weight loss. This is due to the fact that they cause less food consumption at subsequent meals and help the body burn more fat.

Therefore increase your intake of almonds which are also used as natural medicine for acne, arthritis, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and to help one lose weight naturally.

food as medicine

5. Cherries

Cherries can be used as natural medicine for weight loss because they contain very few calories. Once serving (one cup) contains around 50 calories.

Therefore increase your intake of cherries which are also used as natural medicine for arthritis, acne, eczema, high blood pressure, stress and to help one lose weight naturally.

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